Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I earn my AA degree at Polk State Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School?
- Yes. While our school is a transition to college school, we have students who have earned their AA degree, an AS degree and industry certification.
Are charter schools’ public schools?
- Yes. Polk State Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School is a public charter high school. Both FSA and EOC’s are required for HS graduation.
Are Polk State Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School student eligible for Bright Futures?
- Yes. Any student who meets the Bright Futures Scholarship criteria (GPA, Test scores and community service) is eligible for the Bright Futures Scholarship.
Once accepted, am I able to participate in Band, ROTC, athletics, etc…?
- Yes. Charter school students are allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities (not connected to for-credit courses) at the school for which they are zoned to attend, given that the activity in question is not offered at the charter school.
Once accepted, can Polk State Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School students participate in Polk State College activities?
- Yes. All Polk State College activities are open to Gateway students. If students try out for and make a Polk State College athletics team, it counts towards their NCAA eligibility.
Does Polk State Lakeland Gateway to College Collegiate High School offer transportation?
- No. Currently the only transportation we have is the Citrus Connection, which is free for Polk State College students with a Polk State College ID.
If you have more questions, please contact us at